Sitemap - 2020 - Bridge India's Newsletter

Upcoming events in January + join BI On WhatsApp

Our plans for 2021 and one more offer from Royal Sweets for your Xmas

Your box of Christmas mithai, courtesy of Bridge India

Decoding India's farmer protests (2pm, 16 Dec)

The India-UK relationship in the Indo-Pacific, with Jaimini Bhagwati and others (10am, 15 Dec)

Remembering the victims of the Mumbai terrorist attacks of 26/11 (2pm, 4 Dec)

Exclusive event: With ex-Republic TV journalist on the media landscape in India (10am GMT, 3rd Dec)

Happy Diwali from Bridge India

Exclusive event: With Venus Upadhyaya, on-ground reporter in Kashmir (1:30pm, 11th Nov)

BAME Supplier Diversity | Participate in Oxford Uni research | Members featured in the press

Indian migrant worker rights in the GCC (24 Nov) | In Conversation With Anil Swarup (9 Nov)

UK Government's Kickstart scheme

Closer Israel-India collaboration | UK-India energy research paper

New UK-India energy research paper | BI on WhatsApp | Membership pricing change

Publish an article with Bridge India

UK Government's Kickstart scheme

CHOGM in Rwanda (21 June 2021) | Mentor Scheme update

Exclusive event with Embassy of Israel: On Israel-India Covid-19 collaborations (14 Sept)

Relieving pressures on India's rural economy post Covid-19 (12 Sept) | Next London drinks event (18 Sept)

The UK Government's Integrated Review: Your inputs requested

Atmanirbhar Bharat in telecoms (28 Aug) | Drinks event (28 Aug)

Mentor Scheme launch | In-person event (28 Aug) | Fake news series (24 Aug, 9 Sep, 29 Sep)

First post-lockdown event (28 Aug) | Combating fake news in a ‘sharing’ nation (24 Aug)

Combating fake news in a ‘sharing’ nation (24 Aug) | Looking for King's College mentors

Mentors for Kings' College; Re-evaluating the Indo-US relationship (3pm BST, 1 Aug)

New webinar: Re-evaluating the Indo-US relationship (3pm BST, 1 Aug)

New webinar: Realising the vision of an ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ (25 July)

New webinar: Civil Society’s response to the migrant worker crisis (15 July)

New webinar: India’s foreign policy: Taking stock at the end of Year One (8 July)

Last chance to join: India's cultural diplomacy, with DG of ICCR, Amish Tripathi and others (1 July)

New webinar: With Director General of ICCR, Amish Tripathi and others, on India's cultural diplomacy (1 July)

New webinar: India's food security in a pandemic (19 June)

New webinars: Broadband market in India (28 May) | How can India position itself relative to an assertive China? (16 June)

Member news & webinars: Indian investment into UK real estate (2 June) | Remote Learning in Indian Higher Ed (9 June)

Upcoming webinars: Climate change (12 May) | China's global ambitions (18 May) | Indian investment into UK real estate (2 June)

Where next for the climate agenda? (12:30pm, 12 May) | Where do China's global aspirations stand post COVID-19? (10am, 18 May)

We've moved from MailChimp to Substack for Member emails

Member email: New webinars - India's lockdown, startups, impact on India's economy, the space sector in India

Member email: Upcoming webinars, and life under lockdown in India

Our latest news, events and activities